The International Conference Of Biodiversity or ICOBIODIV is a scientific conference initiated by the Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Airlangga. This event was first held in 2018 in Surabaya. In 2023, ICOBIODIV presents participants and speakers from various countries who will gather to discuss the latest issues on biodiversity that focus on Sustainable Solution For Human Welfare. ICOBIODIV in 2023 was held in a hybrid manner on October 18-19, 2023. Offline activities are held in Majapahit Hall, ASEEC Building, Campus B, Universitas Airlangga.

The offline event held on October 18 presented several keynote speakers and invited speakers who presented interesting themes related to biodiversity. The first keynote speaker was Assoc. Prof. Sehanat Prasonguk, Ph.D. from Chulalongkon University Thailand, presented material related to biodiversity in tropical fungi. Dr. Cahyo Rahmadi from the Research Center for Biosystematics and Evolution, National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia presented material related to biodiversity and sustainability. The third keynote speaker came from Nguyen Tat Thanh University Vietnam, Dr. Le Minh Bui who presented material related to microbiology. The last keynote speaker came from Airlangga University Indonesia, namely Almando Geraldi, Ph.D who presented material related to bioprospecting in bacteria. Meanwhile, the presentation session for invited speakers was divided into 3 sessions. The first session was filled by Prof. Dr. Husna Punnapayak, Muhammad Hilman Fu’adil Amin, S.Si., Msi., Anthonius Christianto, Ph.D., and Assoc. Prof.Dr. Ricky Spencer. The second session was filled by Anjar Tri Wibowo, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D., Firli Rahmah Primula Dewi, M.Si., Ph.D., Ranjith Papareddy, Ph.D., and Prof.Dr. Sunday Babatunde Akinde. The last session was filled by Prof. Dr. Ni’matuzahroh, Dra., Dwi Kusuma Wahyuni, S.Si., M.Si., Prof. Dr. Ir. Stefaan Werbrouck, and Dr. Eko Prasetyo Kuncoro, S.T., DEA. In addition to conference activities, ICOBIODIV also opened submission for papers and posters. In this offline event, awarding for best presenter and poster was also held.

In this event, lecturers and several students of the Environmental Engineering Department of Universitas Airlangga were also involved as organizers and moderators. One of the organizers, Afina Slamet, said that being able to be involved in a series of ICOBIODIV activities was a very valuable experience. “Being able to see, listen, and be directly involved in this event, seeing speakers who are experts in their fields is a valuable opportunity.”