Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), Universitas Airlangga held a community development activity in the form of Socialization and Training on Household Waste Management, as well as Greenhouse Gas Inventory (CO2 and CO) and Oxygen Content Mapping on Gili Iyang Island, Sumenep Regency.
Departing from the data on waste services that have not been maximized in Sumenep Regency, especially on islands outside Madura Island, Wahid Dianbudiyanto, S.T., M.Sc as the activity leader as well as FST lecturer sees the need for socialization and training in domestic waste management on Gili Iyang Island. The purpose of this activity is that the community realizes the importance of managing household waste and the community can get and apply the knowledge of household waste management that has been given. Another goal is to map oxygen levels on Gili Iyang Island to see the demographics or characteristics of Gili Iyang Island from its oxygen levels.
Pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang berlangsung dari hari Kamis-Minggu, 26-29 Oktober 2023 di Pulau Gili Iyang ini diikuti oleh 4 dosen (Wahid Dianbudiyanto, S.T, M.Sc. , Dio Alif Hutama, S.T, M.Sc. , Danar Arifka Rahman, S.T, M.T, Rinaldy Jose Nathanael S.T, M.T) serta 2 mahasiswa FST (M. Ariiq Setiawan dan Rezhyta Nahatya Shalva) UNAIR.

Community service is divided into 2 main activities, namely Counseling- Mentoring and Research. Counseling activities are carried out with the theme of organic waste management on Gili Iyang Island using the composting method. In this activity, the FST Unair team also provided a waste chopper with a Diesel engine as one of the supports for composting activities. Another counseling was held at MI Nurul Iman, which was about the Importance of Waste Sorting in daily activities.
In addition to counseling the community, the ACDH FST Team also conducted research that measured the density and composition of waste calculated from samples of several points on Gili Iyang Island. The average density of waste obtained is 64.65 Kg/m3 and the percentage of organic waste composition is 60% and the percentage of inorganic waste is 40%, so that the composition of the most waste is organic waste. This is in line with waste management counseling activities that focus on organic waste management.
In addition, the ACDH FST Team also measured oxygen, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide levels. These measurements were taken at several points on Gili Iyang Island. The results of these measurements show that the average oxygen level on Gili Iyang Island is 20.7% with a minimum level of 20.6% and a maximum level of 20.9%. Measurement of oxygen levels is also carried out in caves on Gili Iyang Island. At certain points in the cave, oxygen levels reached 20.8% with an average oxygen level in the cave of 20.5%. While carbon monoxide levels were recorded at 0 ppm; and carbon dioxide at a minimum level of 342 ppm and a maximum level of 472 ppm with an average of 408 ppm.
With this community service activity, Wahid Dianbudiyanto, S.T, M.Sc. (ACDH FST-Unair team leader) hopes to make a positive contribution to the achievement of SDGs in Indonesia, especially SDGs number 11 (Sustainable Cities and Community), number 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), number 13 (Climate Action).