The increasing damage to nature and the environment due to the increasing population, rapid depletion of water and land resources, air, water and soil pollution, as well as increasingly complex infrastructure problems in Indonesia has threatened human life. Environmental Science and Technology is a relatively new discipline that studies the relationship between nature, social, science and technology. The main goal of Environmental Science and Technology is to protect nature from the negative impacts created by human activities, and to protect humans from the negative effects caused by nature. Additionally, Environmental Science and Technology aims to improve ambient environmental conditions to be suitable for health and improvement of human welfare. Rapid development in Indonesia will thus require reliable experts in the field of Environmental Science and Technology. To meet the need for Environmental Science and Technology experts with high academic standards, the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), Airlangga University (Unair) has been running a Bachelor education program to produce scientists and engineers in the field of Environmental Science and Technology (EST/ITL) since 2008. In 2018, the Environmental Science and Technology program at Airlangga University changed its name to Environmental Engineering based on the Rector’s Decree Number 898/UN3/2018 Regarding the Arrangement of Naming Study Programs at Airlangga University. This name change was followed by a reaccreditation of the Environmental Engineering study program in 2019. The scope of education provided to students includes environmental issues with all its aspects such as natural resources and environmental management, coastal preservation, oceans and water bodies, pollution control, waste treatment technology, environmental health, and other related fields. Graduates from this program will be able to work in government and private companies. A research-oriented educational approach will equip graduates to work in research institutions. Continuous laboratory development will enhance analytical skills of graduates. Meanwhile, the quantitative knowledge and modeling provided to them during their studies will equip graduates with strong predictive abilities. Established cooperation with industry partners will provide good opportunities for students to have internship during their education and a vast job opportunities after graduation.
Study Program’s Identity
1 Degree Grantor : Airlangga University
2 Institution : Faculty of Science and Technology
3 Accredited by : National Accreditation Body-Higher Education (Indonesia’s BANPT)
4 Study Program Name : Bachelor of Environmental Science and Technology
5 Accreditation Rank : A
6 Decree no : 004/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/I/2015