The Environmental Engineering Study Program in the Faculty Webinar Program – Sustainable University-Industry Collaboration held a National Practitioner Lecture on Tuesday, October 24, 2023. The National Practitioner Lecture was attended by active 5th semester students through a zoom meeting. The topic of the practitioner lecture this time discussed Biomass Co-firing as an Alternative Environmentally Friendly Fuel. The material was delivered by Mr. Abdul Aziz, as Assistant Environmental Manager at PT PLN Nusantara Power UP Paiton. He conveyed how the description of the electricity supply process runs with the Biomass Co-firing system. It aims to support Indonesia’s commitment to reduce carbon emission footprints in accordance with the 2015 Paris Agreement.

PT PLN Nusantara Power UP Paiton is a power generation unit that contributes to supplying electricity needs on the islands of Java and Bali with a total capacity of 4700 MW. Mr. Abdul Aziz also conveyed the company’s achievements in receiving the GOLD PROPER award 6 times during its operation. Since 2020 PLTU Paiton has become a pioneer in Indonesia in using biomass co-firing (5%). In order to support the implementation of the G20 Summit, the use of biomass co-firing was again increased to 6%. The use of this Co-firing system not only succeeds in reducing carbon emissions and greenhouse gases produced, but also adds jobs for the community, involves the community to utilize sawdust waste, and increases economic value in Indonesia. PT PLN Nusantara Power UP Paiton together with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) also initiated the ‘Indonesian Energy Forest’ by planting 2300 Kaliandra trees to later be used as a means of community education. In addition to efforts to reduce carbon emissions, this activity also supports Sustainable Develompent Goals (SDGs) Goal number 7, namely Clean and Affordable Energy.