Ngabdi Rek, is one of the flagship work programs of the Environmental Engineering Student Association (HMTL) Universitas Airlangga. This activity is basically a form of student service by organizing various social activities in a certain area during a predetermined period. Ngabdi Rek in 2023 started on July 29, 2023. This activity will take place from July 29 to October 1, 2023 in the RW 6 Waringin area, Sawunggaling Village, Wonokromo District, Surabaya City. Althof Satria, as the chief executive of Ngabdi Rek in 2023 said, “The residents are very enthusiastic about Ngabdi Rek activities, especially children because one of the activities we do is teaching.” He said in an interview on Tuesday (09/19/2023).

Ngabdi Rek brings many activity programs, one of which is teaching elementary school children. This joint teaching and recitation activity is carried out every Saturday during the Ngabdi Rek period. In this activity, the entire Ngabdi Rek committee in 2023 was involved as volunteer teachers. In addition to teaching activities there are many other activities carried out. Community service activities with residents were carried out on Sunday (07/30/2023) which were attended by all residents of RW 6 Waringin. Furthermore, on Saturday (5/08/2023) a free medical check-up was carried out. Ngabdi Rek also participated with the community in celebrating the 78th Indonesian Independence Day with competition activities carried out on Sunday (13/08/2023).
Ngabdi Rek 2023 also conducted a lot of socialization to residents of RW 6 Waringin. Socialization of juvenile delinquency with resource person Mrs. Tiara Diah, M.Psi. Psychologist who is a psychology lecturer at Airlangga University, was conducted on Sunday (27/08/2023). Furthermore, socialization and training on ecobricking, takakura, and toga planting were carried out on Sunday (3/09/2023). The activity collaborated with the Environmental Study Group (KSL) and brought Mr. Wahid Dianbudiyanto, S.T., M.Sc as a lecturer in Environmental Engineering at Universitas Airlangga as a resource person. In addition, there are still healthy nutrition socialization activities with presenters from the local puskesmas Mrs. Pramita Ismaniar, S.Km on Sunday (10/09/2023) and waste management training with Herogreen on Sunday (17/09/2023).

Ngabdi Rek 2023 activities are almost over. Currently there is only one activity left that has not been carried out, namely the distribution of basic necessities and school supplies for the RW 6 Waringin community. The committee still opens donations for students and the general public until Monday (09/25/2023). During the series of Ngabdi Rek 2023 activities, the community welcomed enthusiastically and was very receptive to the arrival of the Environmental Engineering students there. Even so, there are one or two things that become obstacles, including the busyness of the community which often makes them less likely to participate in activities. However, the committee and all those involved in Ngabdi Rek 2023 remain optimistic and enthusiastic in running the existing program to completion. Althof, the chief executive of Ngabdi Rek 2023 in an interview on Tuesday (19/09/2023) said
“I hope that with this activity the community can feel helped and can understand a little more about the importance of education, environmental hygiene, and maintaining health so that they can achieve a better standard of living.”
Althof (chief executive) also expressed his hope that this year’s Ngabdi Rek activity could be beneficial for all involved and could continue to develop better in the years to come.